In the increasingly bizarre story of Hillary Clinton’s “sloppy” (to use the FBI’s term) use of a personal email server while she was handling varying levels of government secrets as Secretary of State (so she could control which of her emails ultimately became public records), the Democrat presidential nominee took to a Sunday talk show to defend her actions. Unfortunately for those voters still trying to decide if they can trust Hillary, she decided to lie to them.
That’s the story that blew up this morning on the Washington Post, the highly-regarded website PolitiFact, and even in The Atlantic, regarding her response to questions from Fox News’ Chris Wallace about whether she had told the American people the truth about the use of her own server. She said she did.
The Washington Post begged to differ, writing “(FBI Director James Comey) also said that there were some emails that were already classified that should not have been sent on an unclassified, private server. That’s the uncomfortable truth that Clinton has trouble admitting”, and that earned Clinton the paper’s most untruthful rating of “Four Pinocchios” from its fact checker.
And PolitiFact wrote, “Clinton repeatedly said she did not have any classified information whatsoever in her email, marked or unmarked. After the FBI investigation, including the interview with Clinton, Comey said she unequivocally did. We rate her claim Pants on Fire.” (The site’s worst rating, as in, ‘Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire’).
The Atlantic’s Ron Fournier was even more blunt, pointing out the obvious about Clinton’s claim she had told the truth about her server and the FBI backed her up on her claim: “That’s wrong and she knows it, which makes it a lie.”
All of which is causing even die-hard liberals to ask the question the Atlantic used as its headline: “Why Can’t Hillary Clinton Stop Lying?”
Clay Fitzgerald says
Hillarybeast is so wrapped up in gaining the ultimate… the pinnacle of power, she just can’t help herself. It is just so ingrained into her persona that she probably doesn’t really acknowledge it as lying if it helps her attain more power. Hitler did the same thing, as did Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.