Three new stories concerning Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server have signaled things will get worse for the aspiring presidential candidate. The Washington Post,
- The State Department has, on the record, disputed Clinton’s claim that her handing over of her e-mails was standard operating procedure, according to reporting from the Post. In fact, State contacted Clinton in the summer of 2014 upon learning that she had exclusively used a private server to conduct business during her time as the nation’s top diplomat. Asked about the discrepancy in Iowa Tuesday night, Clinton told the Des Moines Register: “I don’t know that. I can’t answer that.”
- TheFBI has succeeded in recovering work and personal e-mails from Clinton’s server. That raises at least the possibility that the 50 percent of her e-mails that Clinton deleted as private could be combed through to ensure that the judgment made by her lawyers was the right one.
- More State Deparment e-mails related to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya were turned over to the Republican-led Congressional committee investigating Clinton’s action on that day.
How many years did Martha Stewart spend in prison for lying to the government? Why is Hitllary not being treated as well as Ms. Stewart?