Maybe the summer heat is getting to us, but we’ve been staring out into the middle distance and thinking about some stuff. Have you ever noticed…
That environmentalists cast a skeptical eye at logging, thinning, defensive fire breaks, and controlled burns, but seem pretty OK with vast swaths of forests burning up?
That Jay Inslee loves to declare everything an emergency but then calls for solutions that might actually help many decades from now? Some emergency, then.
That progressives frequently decry regressive taxes but then try to blame Republicans for property taxes rising in the Seattle area? With the state taking on more of the burden of schools funding, those property taxes are now consistent across varying property value levels. Isn’t that a step in the right direction, by their logic?
That progressives mythologize organic farming, but it takes up more land and if we actually fed more of the population this way it would require a lot more logging and clearing?
That Jay Inslee says the worrisome state of the southern resident orcas is an emergency, but uses the occasion to complain that legislators didn’t pass a bill that would have changed nothing about the orcas’ current situation?
That Kshama Sawant purports to speak for her “brothers in the labor movement,” but actual brothers of the labor movement think she’s working against them?
That environmentalists declare carbon Enemy #1, then turn around and oppose nuclear power? Even though it is safe, consistent, and could be scaled up now.
That Olympia liberals fervently want a state income tax but won’t admit not having one is a big part of the reason for our tech boom?
Likewise, that Olympia liberals highlight rankings showing Washington is attractive to businesses while ignoring that our lack of an income tax is a major factor in those rankings?
That Senator Maralyn Chase (D-Edmonds) has somehow managed to forget that she has sponsored bills to institute a state income tax time and time again?
That the far left decried Rob McKenna for grandstanding in the individual mandate challenge but heartily approves of Bob Ferguson suing the Trump Administration 40 times and counting? That’s not grandstanding?
That Jay Inslee has spent his summer campaigning in other states, taking trips to D.C., and making many TV appearances while Western State Hospital is a total mess?
That Inslee’s Transportation chief says congestion relief is impossible, but this seems to be the only thing the Left thinks government can’t do?
That Seattle wants to provide heroin to addicts but tax sugary drinks and ban straws?
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