Sen. Harry Reid refused to “second-guess officials at the UNLV Foundation who have agreed to pay $225,000 for Hillary Clinton to speak at a fundraiser this fall.” Clinton a scheduled to give her six figure speech a mere month after she is set to speak for free at “an energy conference Reid and the university are holding in Las Vegas.” The Review Journal,
“The Nevada Democrat in an interview held a 15-second pause before answering whether he thought the fee was a good use of money by the foundation, a nonprofit that raises and manages funds to benefit the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The fee has sparked debate over its size and its payment to a political figure and presumptive presidential candidate who is supportive of public education goals.
“There are people who work on that foundation who have done it for a long, long time, and they do it, as I understand it, without compensation,” Reid said. “They do it because it is the right thing to do.
“Anything we can do to focus attention on UNLV, that’s extremely important to do, and this certainly will focus attention on UNLV, and that’s why they have these people come,” Reid said.
“I didn’t have anything to do with the decision,” he added.”
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