Regardless of who you voted for on Tuesday, the over-the-top and beyond partisan language from somebody who used to be somebody reminds us all why the American people can rejoice that the soon-to-be former Senator from Nevada will be disappearing form the national stage.
Harry Reid could no longer keep his silence according to The Hill, and with his typical hypocrisy, suggested he has no responsibility for his bitterness as a former national leader. “If this is going to be a time of healing, we must first put the responsibility for healing where it belongs: at the feet of Donald Trump.”
Way to keep it classy Harry. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
he is almost as dumb as Peppermint Patty Murray-their combined IQ is about 6
I like that…Peppermint Patty. I’ll have to remember that.
Almost as good as Maria Cant(do anything)well.
She seems to win elections well.
Yes, I’ve noticed it takes a lot to win an election in Washington, when you’re a Democrat. You have to be breathing…
As an incumbent, Senator Cantwell beat each of her challengers by double digits. Any reason the Republicans haven’t been able to do better against someone you describe as a failure?
“Double digits”…like in 99 or, merely, 10?
And, yes, I CAN give the reason for the failures of the Republicans…it’s called West coast Liberal bias.
You know…you and I can make all the excuses we want, but all one has to do is look at a map to see the differences in priorities in this country. And, if anyone needs more proof…one only has to observe the recent results of our Presidential election. Few people really like Donald Trump, but the people liked Hillary and the present Democratic Party, even less.
If the Republican Party doesn’t screw it up…the Democrats are going to be fighting the battle of there lives, before long.
“Double digits”…like in 99 or, merely, 10?
Yes, somewhere in that range. It’s another way of saying her opponents haven’t even come close.
Few people really like Donald Trump, but the people liked Hillary and the present Democratic Party, even less.
Which of those two candidates received more votes?
…you and I can make all the excuses we want,
I’m not making excuses. On all the local issues I care about, my side won.
“Which of those two candidates received more votes?”. You really should get out more. Donald Trump received the most votes (of those that counted…the Electoral votes).
And ALL the issues you cared about won? You must have voted against the “Carbon Tax” initiative, then. At least we agree on something.
The Electoral College has not yet voted.
I’m just wondering, though…how DO you like your crow served?
On what, our need to have leaders who actually get a majority of our votes?
Oh, I just thought that maybe you were holding onto the false hope that those unnecessary and expensive recounts were going to change anything.
Remember that things like that only happen in Washington state.
A little nervousness begins to creep in, eh? What’s it like, facing the possibility of a loss even though the system is openly rigged in your favor? Who will you blame for your failure then?
Nervous…yes. Regardless of how many times you may try to convince me, I still remember how the Rossi/Gregoire race ended. A judge may have been proven (to your satisfaction) that things ended there, but someone should have gone to jail for that fiasco. It was, clearly, shown that enough votes were “misplaced” that a recount was able to reverse the election results. The fact that Gregoire didn’t press investigations and prosecutions leads me to believe that she knew the facts that many of us merely suspected.
I don’t doubt that our Presidential race results will remain the same, but governments have a way of bending the rules in the name of keeping the peace. The Rodney King trials (followed by riots) were a good example of how government will consider sacrificing the truth to save itself from a little civil discord.
Lastly, I’m not sure how you figure our election system was “rigged in my favor”. That is, unless, you really believe Russia was hacking it. You do recall, I hope, that BOTH parties were accusing unseen invaders of “rigging” the election…so, it wasn’t just the Trump supporters.
Still pounding sand down the rat-hole, over a decade later:
It was, clearly, shown that enough votes were “misplaced” that a recount was able to reverse the election results.
That’s the purpose of a mandatory recount — to determine if the initial count was wrong. Turned out it was. That didn’t “reverse” anything, since Rossi never really had a lead. It was just a counting error.
The fact that Gregoire didn’t press investigations and prosecutions leads me to believe that she knew the facts that many of us merely suspected.
After a court ruling so completely unambiguous the plaintiffs decided not to appeal it, there were no suspicions remaining to investigate. That’s why the state’s Attorney General and King County’s Prosecutor, both Republicans, declined to investigate. (Strangely, they are never faulted for refusing to do their jobs. Could you please tell me why that is?)
Lastly, I’m not sure how you figure our election system was “rigged in my favor”.
Our Electoral College system is rigged in favor of states with smaller populations. It was intended that way, so that the slave-owners would have a chance to get one of their own into the Presidency. (The entire antebellum South had about the same population as New York State back then.) After the utter disaster that followed the last time the loser of the popular vote was elevated to our Presidency, I’d really hoped everyone would see the obvious need to eliminate the Electoral College.
I’m always a little sad Senator Murray has to stand for re-election just once every six years. After every one of her victories, you guys give us another delicious round of, “how does this woman whom we constantly deride as stupid keep defeating all of us self-described political geniuses?!?”
You just don’t understand.
Tensy-you don’t recognize brain dead when you see how little Peppermint Patty has achieved in a seemless lifetime in office. She is a DUMB CLUCK or are you just blind to what she hasn’t done
She is a DUMB CLUCK…
And yet, she’s terminated the political career of every opponent she has faced. How does this “DUMB CLUCK” keep humiliating the very best you have to offer?
You just don’t understand.