Rep. Roger Goodman—seeking re-election in the 45th LD—likes to boast of his many legislative “accomplishments.” However, like most situations of self-aggrandizement, there is Goodman’s reality and there is, well, true reality. With the public’s benefit in mind, and taking a page out of David Postman’s book, SHIFT has taken the liberty of editing a one on Goodman’s campaign hand-outs.
RyanGrant says
Here’s a link to Roger Goodman getting the award from MADD:
Also, here’s a link to Mike Padden claiming that MADD named him a Legislator of the Year. That would be conservative Republican Senator Mike Padden, for those who haven’t had the pleasure:
Fact is, they both got the same award, and they’ve both done great work on this front. Shift is just being painfully dishonest here.