Michelle Nunn, Georgia’s Democrat candidate for Senate, attempted to distance herself from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid by stating that she would not necessarily vote to re-elect him. As the Washington Post points out, this makes no sense.
“Nunn’s sidestep away from the Senate majority leader vote is kind of silly. Ok, a lot silly.
“First, senate leadership elections are secret, unlike the House Speaker election, for example. So, there’s not going to be any paper trail for Nunn if she did go renegade. Second, and more importantly, if Democrats keep the Senate, there doesn’t seem to be much chance of Reid facing an usurper from within his own ranks in 2015.
“And, Nunn and her campaign clearly think that the endless attacks tying her to Reid and Obama may hurt her, given the campaign memo that leaked last month, which revealed the kinds of voters who the candidate’s team is targeting and who need to be reassured that she’s not “too liberal.” (Reid’s leadership PAC, Searchlight Leadership Fund, has given $10,000 to Nunn’s campaign this year.)”
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