Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Intelligence Committee spent “roughly $50 million on its investigation into the CIA and apparently couldn’t find Michael Hayden’s phone number.” Politico,
The committee portrays Gen. Hayden, the former CIA director, as a liar who deceived Congress about the agency’s interrogation program, yet the committee couldn’t be bothered to interview him.
That’s because it didn’t bother to interview anyone. The committee’s chair, Dianne Feinstein, says such interviews were made impossible by Justice Department investigations into the people responsible for the interrogation program, but those investigations ended years ago.
The reality is that the committee didn’t want to include anything that might significantly complicate its cartoonish depiction of a CIA that misled everyone so it could maintain a secret prison system for the hell of it.
It isn’t an insult to call the resulting report partisan; it is a simple fact. Republicans stopped cooperating as soon as it became clear that Feinstein wanted a prosecutor’s brief, not a report tainted by any hint of fair-minded inquiry.
Big-government bureaucrats always tell the truth in public, especially if they are spies. And they re extra careful to tell only the truth when talking about their great success in spending our tax money wisely. They never exaggerate, distort, or lie about the results of government programs.
I have a great deal for you, on transport infrastructure, in my native Brooklyn. Please don’t trample each other in your rush to hand over your inheritances!