This is not Shift Friday Funny, though any rational economist would think it is a joke.
People who have been paying attention know that liberal billionaire and Democrat financier Nick Hanauer has long advocated for higher minimum wages — he backed the $15 minimum wage movement and even tried to blackmail the State Legislature by threatening to run a statewide $16 minimum wage initiative. But, the far-left billionaire recently took his higher minimum wage support to a whole new level.
This week, Hanauer told a crowd at a Museum of History and Industry event that he believes the minimum wage should be raised to a whopping $28 per hour. Via
“What I said was that if the minimum wage had tracked the wages of the top 1 percent, today it would be $28. If the minimum wage had tracked the increases in productivity in our economy over the last 30 years it would be about $22,” Hanauer told KIRO Radio’s Jason Rantz. “As high as $15 sounds, my instinct is that you could push it all the way to $28 over time and society would look a lot better than people think it would.”
That’s interesting coming from a man who pays his entry-level workers $7.50 per hour and higher-skilled workers $11 per hour in North Carolina. When KIRO Radio’s Jason Rantz brought up his hypocrisy, Hanauer said: “We pay more than that, but it’s true that we don’t pay $15. We pay like $9. It’s a fair point. We don’t pay $15 and I advocate for $15.”
Hanauer justifies his blatent hypocrisy by explaining that wages must increase on “a large scale.” It can’t just be “a handful of companies.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the “thinking” mind of a one of the Washington State Democrats’ largest donors, and a typical hypocritical liberal.
Stephen Serafin says
It’s easy to play with OPM, aka, Other People’s Money until reality walks through their front door. Just like when ObamaCare kicked in and well to do people complained to News cameras how unfair it was that they had to subsidize some rotten druggies healthcare. They thought somebody else was going to pick up the tab and never thought that somebody was themselves! That’s when the “do as I say and not as I do” bites them in the arse.
The reality check is that if I’m ever paying a minimum wage of $28/hour, then inflation is way outa control and the underground economy just put me outa business.
So, if minimum wage will be 28 per hour, what is the wage for a skilled individual $40/hour. Wow, that means people that make 28 right now after many years of experience are out of luck.
i thought that the wealthy leftwing is all about redistribution of wealth. That’s right! Your middle class wealth not their.
Hypocrisy is the meaning of the left wing. Their mantra, “Do as I say not ad I do”.
johncq1 says
It amazes me how some people that are so stupid can make that much money. If 28 is so damn good then he should prove it. Have his entry level at 28 then if he was to succeed he could base his rhetoric on something tangible. I think the old adage is “put your money where your mouth is”