Last week, King County Metro decided — for reasons could only make sense to a far-Left bureaucrat — to remove a trash can at a bus stop in West Seattle’s Alki neighborhood.
Why? It was being used too frequently (the stop is outside a Starbucks).
Now, to any rational person, that’s a good sign. After all, people are not littering. The solution would be to add another trash can, or replace the existing bin with a larger one.
Alas, we are not dealing with rational people.
Metro’s solution was to remove the trash can altogether. Of course, the bizarre reasoning inspired public backlash — mockery and anger ensued.
Presumably embarrassed once the public found out about irrational decision, Metro “quietly re-installed a bigger trash bin.” The new can holds 35 gallons – and Metro officials promise to “monitor how things go.”
As KIRO Radio’s Jason Rantz pointed out, “It is not rocket science to put in a bigger trash bin if the current bin is overflowing with garbage. It turns out, taking away a trash bin that’s overflowing with trash makes the situation worse.”
Pathetically enough, it took public shaming to make Metro see that.
Ladies and gentlemen, liberal government at work.