Disgraced Democrat State Auditor Troy Kelley faces 17 indictments of criminal activity, the most serious of which carries a 20-year prison sentence. Federal prosecutors allege that he “laundered money and evaded the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) while he was in office.” Although the scandal stains the integrity of his office, Kelly has refused to resign. And, unfortunately, that’s not likely to change.
On Wednesday, legislative leaders released a letter reiterating their calls for Kelley’s resignation. The letter is addressed to Kelley and signed by Democrat House Speaker Frank Chopp, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mark Schoesler, Democrat Senate Minority Leader Sharon Nelson and Republican House Minority Leader Dan Kristiansen. The letter states,
“It is hard to imagine that you are able to perform any services to the state while on this leave of absence, let alone fulfill the duties of such an important elected office… It is reasonable for you to focus your time and energy on your federal case, but it is unreasonable for the public to be without a trustworthy and fulltime elected Auditor in the meantime.”
Kelley’s attorney responded by stating that the disgraced Democrat has “no plans to resign.”
Warning that the letter carried the weight of the entire Legislature, Rep. Dan Kristiansen hinted at the possibility of impeachment. The Seattle Times,
There have been discussions by members in all corners of the Legislature on whether to impeach Kelley, said Kristiansen, who wouldn’t rule out that option.
“‘If he makes the decision not to (resign), there may be following consequences or following actions,’ Kristiansen said.”
Kelley has lost the public’s trust. His refusal to step down only further harms the integrity of the Office of State Auditor, an office that demands the public’s trust. He must resign.
At this time it appears that the legislature should commence impeachment proceedings against Kelley. There seems to be ample evidence that he cannot be trusted in the position of state auditor where trust, honesty, integrity and high ethical standards are absolute criteria for the position.