Recently, the most prominent attacks on Democrat women have been by Democrats. BuzzFeed,
On Monday, Democratic women in Washington rallied around Sen. Elizabeth Warren after the Massachusetts progressive was the subject of a snarky, anonymous comment that critics said had “rapey” overtones…
“A Dem source just summed it up neatly,” the Washington Post’s Phil Rucker tweeted. “‘Elizabeth Warren’s mouth says no, but her eyes say yes, yes, yes.’” …
Democratic women are still facing down the kinds of moments that Democratic flacks would love if they were caused by Republicans. But since the outcome of the midterm election became clear, it’s been Democrats providing one cringeworthy moment after another when it comes to women in politics.
Just after the election, Democrats ensnared themselves in a gender-based controversy that might have sunk a Republican politician… prominent Democrats — including House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi — voted to deny a caucus proxy vote to Illinois Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who couldn’t make it to Washington due to the late stages of her pregnancy
So, we can state with confidence that the only source for this allegation is a member of the liberal media you folks so often despise. Interesting how you’re not criticizing Mr. Rucker for his rumor-mongering. (Or do you pillory the liberal media only when they provide verifiable facts?)
For extra hilarity, let’s examine your supposition that Democrats get given free passes for their sexual abuses, while Republicans are held to a higher standard. Here in Washington state, Sen. Brock Adams lost his job when credible allegations of his misbehavior towards women were splashed across the front page of the Seattle Times. Across the party divide in Idaho, Sen. Craig actually pled guilty in open court to a sexual crime, and kept his stall– er, I mean seat.