Democrat leaders like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid often use the public stage to denounce the Koch brothers, accusing them of “filling the airwaves with misleading commercials.” However, according to a new study, it would appear that it is the Democrats themselves who are playing with facts. Bloomberg,
“PolitiFact, a St. Petersburg, Florida-based group that tests the accuracy of political commercials, checked six ads sponsored by a Senate Democratic super-political action committee. It found four to be “false” or “mostly false” and another “half true.” Only one was deemed “mostly true.”
“The Democrats ceded the high ground,” said Sheila Krumholz, the executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based nonprofit that tracks campaign spending. “There is really no reluctance to embrace outside groups and all the opportunities that outside groups present, including this messaging that is not really defensible.”
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