Democrat State Senator Rosemary McAuliffe (Bothell) decided to wrap-up the 2016 legislative session (it is scheduled to end on Thursday) with a last-minute attempt to make it appear as though she is listening to her constituents. According to reports, McAuliffe has “responded” to the frustrations of her constituents over the I-405 tolling scheme by introducing a bill that would “conduct a study on the implementation of the Interstate 405 express toll lanes.”
“The legislation is a result of hearing from ‘thousands’ of constituents, who are frustrated over pricing, congestion, and ‘inefficiencies,’ she told the Kirkland Reporter…
“The study would consider the possibility of eliminating the requirement to use a flex pass when driving in the toll lanes, including an analysis of alternative methods of tracking vehicles and collecting fees. The legislation would also require a survey of drivers, including socioeconomic status, trip purpose, and mode of transportation.”
So, just to be clear, rather than support a bill that would actually solve some of the problems that are producing frustration in her constituents, McAuliffe is proposing a bill that would study the frustration of her constituents.
It’s a desperate ploy to make it appear as though she cares about I-405 commuters. If she cared, McAuliffe would have supported a bill introduced by GOP State Senate Ways & Means Chairman Andy Hill and State Representative Mark Harmsworth that would have eliminated one of I-405’s vaunted toll lanes, and let the drivers (who already paid for it through gas taxes) use it as a general-purpose lane. Additionally, the bill would have made other changes intended to reduce congestion on the busy roadway.
But, McAuliffe didn’t support the bill. Instead, she wants to study something that really doesn’t need another study. It just needs a fix.
Excuse me!! Why does she need to see how much money I make. How about I see how much money she makes!! There should have already been a study, this state studies everything to death. Vote her out Kirkland she doesn’t care about your time to commute she cares about herself only. If government officials don’t want to expand the freeways or toll them, they need to stop accepting building permits. It takes 2 hours to get anywhere in the puget sound and traffic is backed up every weekend too!!!
Here’s an idea…. DRIVE it some day lady !!!!!!!!
The only thing she left out was blaming it on Republicans.
she is so out of touch. By the way – it is OUR roads and OUR money. Stop this maddness
Senator McAuliffe does drive it every day. She lives in Bothell. She has also been one of the most supportive legislators to our efforts. She made arrangements to get several meetings between members and WSDOT staff even before the legislative session. There was never a problem with it passing the Senate with or without her vote.
The demographics entry is to disprove the WSDOT argument that “we see poor people in the lanes too”. We ( worked with her to get this bill drafted knowing it would never get to the floor for a vote because it is past the deadline. This bill is an effort to get talking points that force the discussion. Next step is to get a budget amendment to get it funded so that even though it can’t get voted, it can get funded, thus effectively making it happen. Ideal? NO. We won’t be satisfied until the toll is GONE. But it is another path given the blockage in the House. This also gives a legitimate voice to the real stakeholders. The problem is that it is missing some important groups including motorcycle riders and it is missing other organizations, like ETA, WPC, and CETA to balance all the government agencies.
Know who is really your ally and your roadblocks. FWIW, Andy Hill among others, originally voted for the tolls. This issue is not defined by political parties. Don’t try to make it so. Focus on the issue, not the people. Look for solutions, not blame. But DO keep the pressure on your legislators by calling and talking to them directly to let them know they are your representation in Olympia and they need to represent your opinion.
Also, continue to spread the word to get people to sign the petition at . We will not let up
Republicans propose a solution. Democrats propose a study. Nuff said.
Her comment makes it clear she has already decided that it is how the fees are collected and not the fees themselves. “eliminate the requirement for the flex pass” REALLY? Just drop the freaking toll and that will eliminate the need for the Damn pass…. no stupid study and huge waste of more of our tax dollars needed to figure that out lady!!!!!!!