It seems that when Washington Democrats are not pushing a state income tax, they are championing some other equally ridiculous cause. Indeed, a ridiculous cause is exactly what Democrats decided to concern themselves with last week, via an email to supporters—though, in their slight defense, they were following President Obama’s lead.
Washington Democrats’ email asked recipients for their input on whether or not Mount Rainier should be renamed to “reflect our state’s Native American heritage.” The email reads,
“Mount Rainier’s name has a bit of a storied history: Like many features in Washington, it was named by George Vancouver in honor of one of his friends, a British naval officer who fought against the Americans during the Revolutionary War and who never even visited the Northwest!
“As this debate continues, we want to know where Democrats like you stand. Take our poll today and let us know: Is it time to consider restoring Mount Rainier’s original name?”
Democrats have evidently been debating this topic since 2010. It was during Washington Democrats’ 2010 convention that the party passed a motion to rename Mount Rainier.
What would be the new name of Mount Rainier? Well, no one can be sure because the peak has quite a lot of different native names. The apparent frontrunner, “Tahoma,” is one of several.
The real problem with the ridiculous debate is its disingenuous nature—it’s just political pandering meant to appease a certain base of voters. You see, if Democrats were serious about renaming iconic Washington places, they would start by changing Seattle to its native name, Duwamps.
Our so called leadership should move on to more important issues…
It’s all to get people to donate, what a scam, as usual, not that it is different than what the Repubs do…
[tourist] “Aren’t we already in Tacoma?” [sponsor] “No, I said, ‘Tahoma’. Tahoma is just a quick jump from Tacoma.”
The Tahoma School district haz a sad:
Tahoma School District is an educational organisation in Maple Valley, Washington, USA. There is one high school, one junior high school, two middle schools, four elementary schools and a parent-partnered school. Tahoma High School is a Class AAAA school and is a member of the South Puget Sound League for sports and other activities.
Name it Lotawhowe after the Washington Democrat party.
What’s really shameless about the democrat poll on changing the name of Mt. Rainier is that they’re using it as a ploy for fund raising for the party.
On the 4th of July weekend some years ago, I visited a friend in Anchorage. We drove up to Talkeetna, and flew in a chartered airplane onto Denali glacier. No one called the place “McKinley” the entire time.
Indeed, a ridiculous cause…
Keep showing that good political sense, guys. Maybe someday some liberal will do you the favor of telling you why you just keep losing all those elections.
This is more about renaming Mt. Rainier rather than Obama ‘ s unilateral fait accompli.
I flew up to Denali before Pres. Obama was elected, and even back then, I didn’t hear any of the locals call it “McKinley”.
Since our great State Democrats voted for the Iran deal, and backed Obama over the security of our Country, let them change it to Ruhollah Khomeini
Name it Hillary, It’s got a small top “brain”, a wide bottom, Is ice cold, may erupt at any time. Plus it just lies there, heavy on lies
… if Democrats were serious about renaming iconic Washington places, they would start by changing Seattle to its native name, Duwamps.
Because, as far as you guys know, “Seattle” does not in any way reflect local Native American heritage.
It doesn’t really. It is the Anglicized name of Chief Sealth.
Washington needs a shift in politics. Sooner than later.
Folks don’t seem to remember that “Seattle” is named for “Chief Seattle” not sure what the tribe is
Only kinda-sorta, his name was really closer to Sealth, after which Chief Sealth High School was named.
He was Chief of the Duwamish (sometimes transliterated as “Duwamps”) Nation. That’s what makes Shift’s snide attempt at humor actually funny: they’re suggesting “Seattle” somehow does not have enough Native American heritage to it. (As I pointed out in another comment, the river which flows through Seattle is already named for Chief Seattle’s nation. Shift’s knowledge of geography exceeds only its sense of humor.)
Haha, yes—they can change the name of Mt. Rainier AFTER they change the name Seattle to Duwamps! I dare ya, democrats!
The smaller peak of Mt. Rainier is already named “Little Tahoma,” meaning “Little Spirit.” Renaming the entire mountain “Tahoma” would make it the Great Spirit, a very apt name for a mountain taller than any of the Coloradan Rockies.
Meanwhile, the Duwamish Waterway, flowing into Elliott Bay from the south, already celebrates Chief Seattle’s nation.