Is lying and hiding any way to try and get a promotion?
Democrat State Representative Luis Moscoso is attempting to convince voters to elect him to State Senate, succeeding retiring Democrat Rosemary McAuliffe. Only, Moscoso’s campaign just hit a significant road bump. Via the Everett Herald:
“A former wife of state Rep. Luis Moscoso obtained a domestic violence protection order against him in 1987 following a tense encounter in which she claimed he pushed her down and nearly broke her wrist.
“Now, 29 years later, the order and related documents filed in Snohomish County Superior Court have emerged… People in his own party are concerned…
“Records show a judge signed the protection order Nov. 6. Three months later, his ex-wife went back to court and a judge modified the order to bar Moscoso from contacting her at home or work. It also required Moscoso to participate in family counseling. The modified order was effective through February 1989, according to a copy of the record.”
Moscoso, of course, insists that the assault allegations are untrue.
But, unfortunately for Moscoso, the assault allegations are not the only questionable problems to arise from his campaign.
According to reports, Moscoso lied more than once on his resume. In the 2012 voters’ pamphlet guide, Moscoso claimed to have received a master’s degree from the University of Iowa — only he never did. And, in 2015, Moscoso claimed he received a bachelor’s degree in archaeology, but he did not.
Moscoso admitted to the lies saying, “It’s embarrassing.”
The latest scandal surrounding Moscoso is making Democrats nervous. Democrats are attempting to regain the majority in the State Senate. For that to happen, they need to pick up two seats — losing the 1st Legislative District would be a big blow to their plans.
So the domestic violence happened 29 plus years ago when he was young and stupid and that is still relevant how? I assume it hasn’t happened since? Unfortunately, lying on applications regarding qualifications is all too common. The larger problem to society is that almost half feel its okay to lie to get ahead and Courts have even ruled in favor of lying in politics to get a leg up on the opponent. It’s called free speech.
So while its somewhat appalling, its common place.
Lying on applications or in any sort of official documents is akin to perjury, it’s against the law or can leave one open to civil liability.
As it should be.
No, he has the Hillary Defense Card. This man did not intent to lie on his resume. Therefore we feel (FBI) no charges will be filed against him.
He should become the next pres of the usa 2024-2032
sounds like this nut case would make a good replacement for Inslee-totally un fit