No other recent policy has failed communities across our state more than the Democrats’ 2021 bill banning police from pursuing suspects fleeing the scene of a crime. The House is now poised to pass a bill (HB 1363) which reforms that failed policy and again gives police the authority to pursue someone who they reasonably suspect of a violent crime, a sexual crime, vehicular assault, escape, DUI, and/or domestic violence.
Notably, vehicular theft – a crime which has reached unprecedented levels in our state – was not included because pro-criminal Democrats believed that was a step too far. As it stands today, the amending reform bill is a watered-down version of the original. But we must pass it nonetheless –public safety depends on it moving forward.
Unfortunately, the Democrat Senate Chair of the Law and Justice Committee has said she will NOT move the bill forward. She won’t even allow it to be heard in public.
That’s why we must act and urge our State Senators to pass the bill. Ask them if they support public safety and or partisan politics when it comes to letting police do their jobs? Please sign our petition and show your support for this needed bill.
Thank you!