Far-Left activist Darcy Burner proudly declared her Bernie Sanders-esque views before it became so popular among the liberals in places like Seattle. Burner ran against Republican U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert, in 2006 and 2008, in the 8th Congressional District, and lost both times despite million-dollar-plus campaigns. She then tried her luck in the 1st Congressional District in 2012, only to lose in the Democratic primary against fellow big-spender Suzan DelBene.
Well, this year, Burner “is considering another run for office”, though she has lowered her sights a bit, and is looking at the state-level 5th Legislative District this time around. Republican state Rep. Chad Magendanz will leave his seat to run against Democratic state Sen. Mark Mullet in 2016, in what is expected to be the best chance for a GOP Senate gain in this cycle.
Three-time loser Burner is joined by another congressional failure. Jason Ritchie, in giving up hopes for a national position in favor of a state house seat. Ritchie, who has also lost against Reichert, is running for the other House seat in the 5th LD, challenging Republican state Rep. Jay Rodne. Of course, that means Democrat Essie Hicks (Rodne’s usual losing opponent) is entirely out of the picture.
Please do not refer in any writing or speech to democrats as “democratic.”
Democrats are NOT democratic in any way, shape, or form. To allow them to be called by any other term than just plain democrat, and particularly to refer to them as “democratic” is giving democrats far, far more leniency than they would ever deserve.
we can use a loser like darcy burner in california. we have way too many democrats; she’d be guaranteed to hand a seat over to a republican. did i say how much i can’t stand democrats out here in stanford, palo alto, or portola valley?!!!