Six years after setting up a personal email for government use and after six months of denying wrongdoing, Hillary Clinton has finally apologized. But, her apology doesn’t fix anything and it “doesn’t answer the scandal’s most important questions.” The National Review,
By any objective measure, the Democratic presidential frontrunner has responded to her email scandal with deflection and deception, shredding her credibility while giving a skeptical public another reason not to trust the institutions of politics and government.
An apology doesn’t fix that. An apology also doesn’t answer the scandal’s most important questions…
If what you did was “above board,” then you wouldn’t object to all executive branch officials at every level of government and from both parties storing their email on private servers out of the public’s reach. Tell me how that wouldn’t subvert the federal Freedom of Information Act and “sunshine laws” in every state? …
Who authorized the deletion of 31,000 emails from your server? Who carried it out? Were they approved to review and secure classified documents? …
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