Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to answer any questions concerning the Clinton Foundation. Rather, she’s employing a strategy that has long worked for the Clinton. The National Journal,
Gennifer Flowers. Cattle futures. The White House travel office. Rose Law Firm files. The Lincoln Bedroom. Monica Lewinsky. And now, the Clinton Foundation. What ties these stories together is the predictable, paint-by-numbers response from the Bill and Hillary Clinton political operation.
- Deny: Salient questions are dodged, and evidence goes missing. The stone wall is built.
- Deflect: Blame is shifted, usually to Republicans and the media.
- Demean: People who question or criticize the Clintons get tarred as right-wing extremists, hacks, nuts, or sluts…
“[I’ll be] subjected to all kinds of distractions and attacks, and I’m ready for that,” Hillary Clinton said when asked about the book while campaigning for the presidency in New Hampshire. “I know that comes, unfortunately, with the territory.”
Clever how she casts herself as the victim of a book she hasn’t read and of questions she has yet to answer. The Clinton campaign circulated a memo to its supporters Tuesday night with talking points on the book
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