The steady drip-drip-drip of private emails among Clinton staff insiders being made public continued today, with the latest one demonstrating the significant ideological rift on the Left – and it further validates the mistrust some Democrats have with their presidential nominee.
In an exchange between Clinton campaign leadership and the President of the inappropriately-named Center for American Progress (CAP), “longtime Hillary Clinton aide Jake Sullivan likened supporters of a $15 minimum wage to Soviet-era communists in an email released by WikiLeaks on Monday.”
The email chain is nominally about how the campaign feels about the “Progressive Agenda” being pushed during the spring by folks like NY City Mayor (and former Clinton Senate campaign manager) Bill Di Blasio. The informal back-and-forth shows how little regard the campaign insiders have for not only Di Blasio, but also for the contents of his agenda.
As described by the Daily Caller, the conclusion of the string includes this comment by the CAP President: “And when you say Red Army, you mean the base of the Democratic party, right?”
One has to wonder, with more embarrassing email revelations like this promised by WikiLeaks to come in the next few weeks, just how hard will Clinton’s “Red Army” base fight for her leading up to election day?
tensor says
Yeah, quotes taken out of context do tell us a lot — about the person doing the taking. About the original author, not so much.
Twenty-five years of pushing manufactured Clinton “scandals” have given you first, Bill Clinton as a President Emeritus, deeply-respected at home and abroad, and now, his wife sailing to easy election over a candiate so odious, your only mention of his name is when you complain Democrats note how he exists.
Keep on doing it, it’s working so well for you. Trust me on this.
Clay Fitzgerald says
Regarding Slick Willie being a “President Emeritus”… yeah, you got that right because he fits the definition of being a former or retired and retains the title as a former president. As for being “deeply respected at home and abroad,” please, if you will, provide evidence of such… if you can.
The only person of significance that is held in lower esteem abroad, is the current president. Click this link to view:, it’s only a little over two minutes long so it won’t strain your little gray cells too much.
tensor says
Here’s an excerpt from last year’s story, aptly titled, Bill Clinton is Incredibly Popular:
Bill Clinton is almost certainly the most popular person in American politics. A new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that 56 percent of people have a positive view of the former president while just 26 percent hold a negative one.
(But that was available only to persons who read, so I can see why you missed it whilst watching YouTube videos.)
Keep on walloping that Clinton Tar Baby, guys; it worked so well for B’rer Rabbit.
Biff says
Sure. Chairman Mao is also “deeply respected” by you and the other 2 members of the beret-and-goatee gang down at Komrade’s Koffee.
tensor says
Red-baiting remains your freshest, most original form of political discourse, hm? (Then again, your Party hasn’t ordered you to stop, so, obviously, you can’t stop.)
Why don’t you tell us of your deep admiration for W., how much you miss the brilliant poltical leadership he provided? I think that would be most valuable information for other voters to have, as we head into our next election. (Or has your Party forbidden all mention of your former Dear Maximum Leader? That certainly seems to be the case.)