Hillary Clinton remains the “strikingly dominant” candidate in the Democratic field, according to a new CNN/ORC poll on the 2016 race. But, her poll numbers have “dropped significantly across several key indicators since she launched her campaign in April.” CNN,
A growing number of people say she is not honest and trustworthy (57%, up from 49% in March), less than half feel she cares about people like them (47%, down from 53% last July) and more now feel she does not inspire confidence (50%, up from 42% last March)…
Much of Clinton’s fade is attributable to shifts among independents, but she’s also losing some ground among her own partisans. Her support in the Democratic nomination contest has dropped 9 points since April, and though more than 8-in-10 Democrats said they thought she was honest and trustworthy earlier this year; now, just 73% say so.
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