A string of work emails sent on Hillary Clinton’s personal account dating back earlier than when she previously said she began using that address have been discovered. Clinton said she could not fully explain the discovery, but that she hopes voters would look past what she called the “drip, drip, drip” of the furor over her emails. The New York Times,
“There was a transition period. You know, I wasn’t that focused on my email,” Mrs. Clinton said on “Meet the Press,” when asked about emails sent from her personal account in her first two months after taking office in January 2009. Mrs. Clinton had previously said she did not begin using a clintonemail.com address for State Department business until that March.
The State Department said on Friday that Mrs. Clinton had exchanged emails in late January and February 2009 with Gen. David H. Petraeus, then the commander of the United States Central Command.
Pressed to explain the discrepancy, Mrs. Clinton said it was beyond her technical understanding.
She said the clintonemail.com server had existed in the basement of her family’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., for years when she added her account. “It apparently took a little time to do that. And so there was about a month where I didn’t have everything already on the server and we went back, tried to, you know, recover whatever we could recover,” she said. “And I think it’s also fair to say that, you know, there are some things about this that I just can’t control.”
“I am by no means a technical expert,” she added. “I relied on people who were.”
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