Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget bill passed the House today. Every Democrats voted against, calling the bill unrealistic. USA News called out the left’s hypocrisy, “…liberals should ask themselves … [Read more...]
The Left’s Tax Problem
It appears that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s problems have just begun. Lerner is accused of improperly using her power to target conservative groups for tax investigations. Ironically, she now … [Read more...]
Liberals Rejoice over Obamacare’s “success”
A new study conducted by the Rand Corp left liberals singing the praises of Obamacare. Rand generously projects that 9.3 million more Americans have health insurance due to the new health care … [Read more...]
WaPo: Obama Earns More Pinocchios
The Washington Post upgraded President Obama’s gender inequality claims to two Pinocchios for continuing to use flawed statistics. Obama deceptively relies of the unsound claim that the “average … [Read more...]
Dems Struggle with Gender Inequality Pay Gap
Senate Democrats have a serious messaging problem when it comes to gender inequality pay. The National Republican Senatorial Committee investigates, “We pulled the official payroll records of … [Read more...]
Bush Outlines a Possible Campaign Strategy
"With eyes increasingly on him, Jeb Bush signaled on Sunday the kind of campaign he would mount if he ran for president: one arguing against ideological purity tests while challenging party orthodoxy … [Read more...]
Rahm Unfiltered
The New Republic has a fascinating, must-read interview with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. "There are things that people know, or think that they know, about Rahm Emanuel: He is voluble, tireless, … [Read more...]
Ted Kennedy Jr. Will Run for State Senate
Sources with knowledge of the plans of Ted Kennedy Jr. (D) say he will run for state senate in Connecticut, the Branford Seven reports. "Kennedy is spending time Sunday contacting key Democrats in … [Read more...]
Republicans Gain Ground in New Poll
A new Associated Press-GfK poll "holds bad news for President Obama, but as the November elections draw closer, there are ominous signs for congressional Democrats as well." In the generic … [Read more...]
Lawmaker Accidently Shoots Hunter
Oklahoma state Rep. Steve Vaughn (R), who has authored pro-gun legislation, accidentally shot another hunter with a 12-gauge shotgun last month, the Oklahoman reports. Said Vaughn: "I just felt … [Read more...]
Johnson Did Not Report Sexual Assault
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and his chief of staff were both told three years ago "of allegations that a then-aide to the senator had been sexually assaulted by state Rep. Bill Kramer, but none of them … [Read more...]