As a sitting, two-term vice president of the United States, Joe Biden’s mere 2% support as a probable 2016 candidate is embarrassing. The Washington Post,
That leaves him tied with Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist independent senator from Vermont. Given that the poll has a 5 percent margin of error, it’s also statistically possible that Biden is actually at 0 percent (again, technically speaking).
Now, to be fair to the VP, this poll is an outlier. It has a very high number of undecideds — 32 percent — and 7 percent opt for “no one” (Update: Steven Shepard points out this is because candidate names weren’t read to people), which depresses the vote totals for all involved. Even Hillary Clinton has her worst showing in any recent poll, at 48 percent. (She has rarely been below 60 percent.)…
The reason, as we’ve written before, is that Biden just isn’t seen as very presidential. In fact, only 51 percent of Democrats in a Q poll last year said they thought Biden would make a good president. Among independents, about three-quarters said that he would not.
tensor says
So, for the Republican ticket, will it be Palin/Paul 2016?
Biff says
Why do you care? You’re just going vote for one with the (D) after their name like a good Capitol Hill liberal
tensor says
I was just having fun with the premise of this post. Why should or its few readers — most of whom won’t ever vote for any Democrat under any circumstances — care about miscellaneous poll results for the Vice-President?
Biff says
I think it’s an amazing statistic. A 2-term sitting Vice President regarded by his own party as such a buffoon that only 2% want to see him get the nod for the big dance.
Did you go to the rally Saturday? No, not the fake hug-a-thug march that drew a couple hundred losers in your neighborhood but the rally at the capitol where several thousand law abiding citizens risked becoming felons in open defiance of Bloomberg’s purchased initiative. Also in the news report was some lawmakers are already talking about repeal and start over. Then there’s the Lewis County Sheriff publicly stating they won’t enforce it.
Being ratified less than 2 weeks ago, this pile of poop (AKA I-594) is still steaming and shouldn’t have this level of opposition long before it’s even on a docket for the inevitable court challenge.
You should have your carpet-bagging billionaire nanny pump a few more million into another misleading PR campaign before his turd totally goes into a monorail death spiral. HAHAHAHA!!!
tensor says
Poll results are meaningless out of context. That’s what I was implying with my first comment. If the Republicans run candidates who are even less appealing than the Democrats, then who will care about old public-opinion polls?
… several thousand law abiding citizens risked becoming felons …
Was their arrest rate above 2 percent? Or far below? What’s the number on that “amazing statistic”?
Biff says
You can’t get any less appealing than Plugs Biden when only 2% of HIS OWN PARTY thinks he should get the nomination.
Their arrest rate was 0%. Zero arrests were made on thousands and thousands of transfers without background checks. Read the text of your carpet-bagging billionaire’s purchase.
tensor says
You can’t get any less appealing than Plugs Biden when only 2% of HIS OWN PARTY thinks he should get the nomination.
Oh, sure you can. Run Sarah Palin against him and see. Being the darling of the Tea Party and a truly world-class grifter (which are not unrelated accomplishments) doesn’t equate to any popular support for her in the American electorate as a whole.
Washington state has seen this kind of thing before. King County Executive Gary Locke, an uninspiring technocrat, was given the gift of an opponent in former state Senator Ellen Craswell, a fire-eating Christian with solid support within the Republican party. Locke broke no sweat during his easy walk to our Governor’s Mansion. Four years later, having learned nothing, the Republicans nominated talk-radio host John Carlson, also immensely popular with Republicans. He fared worse than had Mrs. Craswell.
A solid record of accomplishment beat religious fervor and talk-radio popularity. I doubt VP Biden cares much about a poll two years before an election.
Biff says
Please start your Plugs 2016 campaign right away. i’d like to see him be the nominee.
You said all you needed to say about Gary Locke in the second sentence. “King County Executive”. King County liberals have dominated state-wide elections for decades just on sheer numbers. When it’s close, throw a little fraud in to put you over the top.
Continue to ignore thousands and thousands of open firearms transfers at the Capitol with zero arrests. Your carpet-bagging billionaire nanny bought those new felons, make it happen.
For someone that considers this a little read, anonymously written and funded trifling site, you sure do seem to spend a lot of time here. From the volume of comments, you read way more of the content here than I do. Why is that? Please precipitate the demise of ShiftWA by going away.
tensor says
Please start your Plugs 2016 campaign right away.
Not my job; I’m not a Democrat. Will you be giving Sarah some scratch?
When it’s close, throw a little fraud in to put you over the top.
I’m sure you have all the evidence which was never presented to Judge Bridges; let’s see it. Perhaps those crack reporters at the late and unlamented (un)SoundPolitics could help you? They enjoyed great success in proving such fraud, as I’m sure you’ll agree.
Continue to ignore thousands and thousands of open firearms transfers at the Capitol with zero arrests.
I’m not a member of the Washington State Patrol, either. Take whatever complaints you have to them; meanwhile, I’ll do our hosts here the respect of staying on-topic. (Maybe you, their financial supporter, can get them to mention the big shift in Washington state political dialog which the passage of I-594 represents? Their stone cold silence on this issue has me beginning to believe they’re pitiably incompetent at their self-declared purpose for running this site.)