Another Obamacare insurance program was expected to “boost consumer choice and competition on the marketplaces has slipped off course and is so far failing to meet expectations.” The USA Today,
Since just a few insurers, or sometimes just one, dominate the market for individuals and small businesses in some states, the law sought to increase competition in those areas by calling for “multi-state” health plans that would be offered by some insurers. The law required that at least two multi-state plans be available to consumers in 31 states by 2014 and in all states by 2017, but it doesn’t require insurers to offer the plans and most so far have opted not to. Federal officials and insurance experts say it is unlikely that the 2017 goal will be met…
An OPM spokesperson said the agency doesn’t anticipate having a multi-state option available in every state by the 2017 deadline.
“OPM does not have the authority to compel any issuer to participate in the [multi-state plan] program,” said a spokesperson by email. “We are hopeful that there will be at least one new issuer or group of issuers participating in the MSP program in 2017.”
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