Let’s set the context for this particular narrative of Democrat hypocrisy.
In 2012, the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) pumped millions of dollars into Jay Inslee’s competitive gubernatorial campaign.
Upon taking office in 2013, Inslee proceeded to provide his staffers and appointees to state offices with pay raises. According to The Herald, “Jay Inslee’s first batch of hires [are] paid higher salaries than those working in the same jobs for outgoing Gov. Chris Gregoire.”
Inslee even created a new position for long time congressional staffer and gubernatorial campaign manager Joby Shimonmura. A position that did not exist in previous administrations, Inslee named Shimonmura his “senior advisor” with a salary of $140,650 per year.
Fast forward to the present and the contentious 2014 elections—including the gubernatorial campaign in Michigan where the DGA is desperately attempting to defeat Republican Governor Rick Snyder.
One way the DGA is choosing to attack Snyder is by condemning the incumbent governor for giving staffers salary raises at the start of his term. Check out the latest attack ad:
All this brings us to one pressing question: Is the DGA really so outraged over pay raises that they will ask Inslee for their money back based on our “green governor” doing the same thing— or are they just hypocrites?
Here again Now Inslee?? destroying our state!!
How did we go from some paid more, to all paid more ??
Wonder if inflation exists, in “reporter” land ?
But it’s the “lean management” Inslee was talking about during the debates! Hiring skinny socialist’s on a fat salary…