The Democratic National Convention is just starting, and it’s already a mess. In fact, with the resignation of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz over an embarrassing email scandal, the situation couldn’t get much worse.
Cue Jay Inslee.
According to reports, our green governor graced Washington state delegates with his presence at a breakfast this morning. Inslee spent the time he had lambasting GOP opponent Bill Bryant.
Apparently, our green governor’s staff forgot to inform him that he did not need to attack Bryant in front of delegates to the Democratic National Convention… it’s pretty safe to say that, since they are serving as DEMOCRAT DELEGATES, they would probably vote for Inslee.
But, of course, Inslee appears to have been programmed to attack Bryant… so that’s all we can expect him to do for the foreseeable future.
The pathetic part is that Inslee’s attacks on Bryant aren’t even based on facts. His attacks rely on a far, far-fetched link between Bryant and Donald Trump. Here’s what he said to the delegates:
“I’m running against a guy that sat there in league with Donald Trump. When Donald Trump said we should build a wall where in Washington we build bridges, my opponent Bill Bryant said nothing. When Donald Trump was mocking people with disabilities, my opponent said nothing. When Donald Trump embraced climate denial, my opponent said nothing.”
Perhaps Bryant said nothing because those issues have nothing to do with his campaign for governor, and sharing his vision for the future with voters here.
Rather, Bryant prefers to concentrate his efforts on the statewide problems that impact the day-to-day lives of Washingtonians — problems that, incidentally, Inslee has either created or utterly failed to solve in his first term.
Inslee is afraid to stand on his record as governor because he has no accomplishments to talk about with voters. Frankly, he has failed to govern.
So, Inslee is left only with attempting to deflect attention from his failures by launching ridiculous attacks against Bryant… even in front of die-hard members of his own party.
He’s doing that because he’s facing stiff opposition from members of his own party. They’re trying to find a way to replace him in the Primaries with another candidate. That is why he’s been unable to raise any money. Nobody wants this guy.