Working Washington, the far-left political organization formed with the singular goal of increasing the minimum wage, is on to its next campaign: hiking the minimum wage to $15 per hour across Washington State. It’s efforts include organizing rallies today across our state as a part of the nation-wide “Fight for $15 on 4/15” rallies.
Working Washington attempts to present itself as a “grassroots” organization—an obvious effort to appeal to working families. However, according to new evidence uncovered by the Freedom Foundation, the organization is anything but organic. The Freedom Foundation,
“Rather than generating grassroots support for its efforts, however, union LM-2 forms on file with the U.S. Department of Labor indicate Working Washington is directly funded by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
“Working Washington has received $8.9 million from SEIU since its creation in 2011, according to the Freedom Foundation’s analysis. Additionally, Working Washington’s registration with the Washington Secretary of State indicates its officers are all SEIU employees.”
Working Washington is not the only $15 minimum wage activist group benefitting from the almost exclusive support of SEIU. According to estimates, SEIU spent a whopping $23 million last year funding “Fight for $15” movements nationwide.
As could be expected, SEIU objective is not to improve the livelihoods of working families across our nation. Rather, it is to benefit its bank accounts. The Freedom Foundation,
“Many observers contend SEIU’s purpose is not to raise the minimum wage, but to pave the way to unionize potentially hundreds of thousands of fast-food employees nationwide by breaking down the legal barriers that separate franchises from franchisors.
“In a video that surfaced in October, Fight for $15 organizing director Kendall Fells admitted the true purpose of the campaign to the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference, stating,
“‘Just to be clear, this is not a minimum wage campaign, these fast food workers are not trying to raise minimum wage. They want to sit down with the $200 billion fast food industry and get the money out of their pockets and negotiate a union contract with them.’”
Despite all the money and resources poured into Working Washington by SEIU, the organization still cannot manage to get actual employees to participate in its staged protests. Working Washington has actually resorted to paying workers to participating in rallies.
The Freedom Foundation reports that the 4/15 rallies today are no exception. Working Washington plans to “rely heavily on SEIU 775-represented homecare workers for its 4/15 protests, with these union workers staffing nine of the 18 planned actions.”
Wow. Real “grassroots.” SEIU is paying for the seed, fertilizer, water and sunshine for this crabgrass. Not quite the groundswell of popular support we hear about from the left. Lies from liberals? I’m stunned. Say it ain’t so.
So my current living wage job will be no more due to inflated cost of ever item and $15 won’t be enough either… brilliant people